/*! * Bootstrap v3.2.0 (http://getbootstrap.com) * Copyright 2011-2014 Twitter, Inc. * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) */ /*! * Generated using the Bootstrap Customizer (http://getbootstrap.com/customize/?id=98bb72aab96cdf610f15) * Config saved to config.json and https://gist.github.com/98bb72aab96cdf610f15 */ if ("undefined" == typeof jQuery) throw new Error("Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery"); + function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var i = t(this) , s = i.data("bs.alert"); s || i.data("bs.alert", s = new o(this)), "string" == typeof e && s[e].call(i) }) } var i = '[data-dismiss="alert"]' , o = function (e) { t(e).on("click", i, this.close) }; o.VERSION = "3.2.0", o.prototype.close = function (e) { function i() { n.detach().trigger("closed.bs.alert").remove() } var o = t(this) , s = o.attr("data-target"); s || (s = o.attr("href"), s = s && s.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var n = t(s); e && e.preventDefault(), n.length || (n = o.hasClass("alert") ? o : o.parent()), n.trigger(e = t.Event("close.bs.alert")), e.isDefaultPrevented() || (n.removeClass("in"), t.support.transition && n.hasClass("fade") ? n.one("bsTransitionEnd", i).emulateTransitionEnd(150) : i()) }; var s = t.fn.alert; t.fn.alert = e, t.fn.alert.Constructor = o, t.fn.alert.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.alert = s, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.alert.data-api", i, o.prototype.close) }(jQuery), + function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this) , s = o.data("bs.button") , n = "object" == typeof e && e; s || o.data("bs.button", s = new i(this, n)), "toggle" == e ? s.toggle() : e && s.setState(e) }) } var i = function (e, o) { this.$element = t(e), this.options = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, o), this.isLoading = !1 }; i.VERSION = "3.2.0", i.DEFAULTS = { loadingText: "loading..." }, i.prototype.setState = function (e) { var i = "disabled" , o = this.$element , s = o.is("input") ? "val" : "html" , n = o.data(); e += "Text", null == n.resetText && o.data("resetText", o[s]()), o[s](null == n[e] ? this.options[e] : n[e]), setTimeout(t.proxy(function () { "loadingText" == e ? (this.isLoading = !0, o.addClass(i).attr(i, i)) : this.isLoading && (this.isLoading = !1, o.removeClass(i).removeAttr(i)) }, this), 0) }, i.prototype.toggle = function () { var t = !0 , e = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]'); if (e.length) { var i = this.$element.find("input"); "radio" == i.prop("type") && (i.prop("checked") && this.$element.hasClass("active") ? t = !1 : e.find(".active").removeClass("active")), t && i.prop("checked", !this.$element.hasClass("active")).trigger("change") } t && this.$element.toggleClass("active") }; var o = t.fn.button; t.fn.button = e, t.fn.button.Constructor = i, t.fn.button.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.button = o, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.button.data-api", '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (i) { var o = t(i.target); o.hasClass("btn") || (o = o.closest(".btn")), e.call(o, "toggle"), i.preventDefault() }) }(jQuery), + function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { return this.each(function () { var o = t(this) , s = o.data("bs.carousel") , n = t.extend({}, i.DEFAULTS, o.data(), "object" == typeof e && e) , r = "string" == typeof e ? e : n.slide; s || o.data("bs.carousel", s = new i(this, n)), "number" == typeof e ? s.to(e) : r ? s[r]() : n.interval && s.pause().cycle() }) } var i = function (e, i) { this.$element = t(e).on("keydown.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.keydown, this)), this.$indicators = this.$element.find(".carousel-indicators"), this.options = i, this.paused = this.sliding = this.interval = this.$active = this.$items = null, "hover" == this.options.pause && this.$element.on("mouseenter.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.pause, this)).on("mouseleave.bs.carousel", t.proxy(this.cycle, this)) }; i.VERSION = "3.2.0", i.DEFAULTS = { interval: 5e3 , pause: "hover" , wrap: !0 }, i.prototype.keydown = function (t) { switch (t.which) { case 37: this.prev(); break; case 39: this.next(); break; default: return } t.preventDefault() }, i.prototype.cycle = function (e) { return e || (this.paused = !1), this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval), this.options.interval && !this.paused && (this.interval = setInterval(t.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval)), this }, i.prototype.getItemIndex = function (t) { return this.$items = t.parent().children(".item"), this.$items.index(t || this.$active) }, i.prototype.to = function (e) { var i = this , o = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find(".item.active")); return e > this.$items.length - 1 || 0 > e ? void 0 : this.sliding ? this.$element.one("slid.bs.carousel", function () { i.to(e) }) : o == e ? this.pause().cycle() : this.slide(e > o ? "next" : "prev", t(this.$items[e])) }, i.prototype.pause = function (e) { return e || (this.paused = !0), this.$element.find(".next, .prev").length && t.support.transition && (this.$element.trigger(t.support.transition.end), this.cycle(!0)), this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval), this }, i.prototype.next = function () { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("next") }, i.prototype.prev = function () { return this.sliding ? void 0 : this.slide("prev") }, i.prototype.slide = function (e, i) { var o = this.$element.find(".item.active") , s = i || o[e]() , n = this.interval , r = "next" == e ? "left" : "right" , a = "next" == e ? "first" : "last" , l = this; if (!s.length) { if (!this.options.wrap) return; s = this.$element.find(".item")[a]() } if (s.hasClass("active")) return this.sliding = !1; var h = s[0] , p = t.Event("slide.bs.carousel", { relatedTarget: h , direction: r }); if (this.$element.trigger(p), !p.isDefaultPrevented()) { if (this.sliding = !0, n && this.pause(), this.$indicators.length) { this.$indicators.find(".active").removeClass("active"); var c = t(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex(s)]); c && c.addClass("active") } var d = t.Event("slid.bs.carousel", { relatedTarget: h , direction: r }); return t.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass("slide") ? (s.addClass(e), s[0].offsetWidth, o.addClass(r), s.addClass(r), o.one("bsTransitionEnd", function () { s.removeClass([e, r].join(" ")).addClass("active"), o.removeClass(["active", r].join(" ")), l.sliding = !1, setTimeout(function () { l.$element.trigger(d) }, 0) }).emulateTransitionEnd(1e3 * o.css("transition-duration").slice(0, -1))) : (o.removeClass("active"), s.addClass("active"), this.sliding = !1, this.$element.trigger(d)), n && this.cycle(), this } }; var o = t.fn.carousel; t.fn.carousel = e, t.fn.carousel.Constructor = i, t.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () { return t.fn.carousel = o, this }, t(document).on("click.bs.carousel.data-api", "[data-slide], [data-slide-to]", function (i) { var o, s = t(this) , n = t(s.attr("data-target") || (o = s.attr("href")) && o.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "")); if (n.hasClass("carousel")) { var r = t.extend({}, n.data(), s.data()) , a = s.attr("data-slide-to"); a && (r.interval = !1), e.call(n, r), a && n.data("bs.carousel").to(a), i.preventDefault() } }), t(window).on("load", function () { t('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function () { var i = t(this); e.call(i, i.data()) }) }) }(jQuery), + function (t) { "use strict"; function e(e) { e && 3 === e.which || (t(s).remove(), t(n).each(function () { var o = i(t(this)) , s = { relatedTarget: this }; //o.hasClass("open") && (o.trigger(e = t.Event("hide.bs.dropdown", s)), e.isDefaultPrevented() || o.removeClass("open").trigger("hidden.bs.dropdown", s)) })) } function i(e) { var i = e.attr("data-target"); i || (i = e.attr("href"), i = i && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(i) && i.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, "")); var o = i && t(i); return o && o.length ? o : e.parent() } function o(e) { return this.each(function () { var i = t(this) , o = i.data("bs.dropdown"); o || i.data("bs.dropdown", o = new r(this)), "string" == typeof e && o[e].call(i) }) } var s = ".dropdown-backdrop" , n = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]' , r = function (e) { t(e).on("click.bs.dropdown", this.toggle) }; r.VERSION = "3.2.0", r.prototype.toggle = function (o) { var s = t(this); if (!s.is(".disabled, :disabled")) { var n = i(s) , r = n.hasClass("open"); if (e(), !r) { "ontouchstart" in document.documentElement && !n.closest(".navbar-nav").length && t('